Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mallory Square Ministry

As we walked down to Mallory Square to take part in the Sunset Festival ministry, we noticed hurricane shutters being put up and businesses closing. The streets were fairly unpopulated- a strange occurrence here in Key West. The weather was beautiful with no signs of a hurricane or tropical storm, even though the weather channel shows Ernesto steadily approaching. We walked out on to the pier wondering if Pastor Bill would even be there because the hurricane had influenced tourists to leave and the locals to stay inside. Sure enough, we easily spotted the faithful pastor and his crew for the night. They were seated on his platform reading scripture together in preparation for whatever God planned to do! We joined their circle and finished 2nd and 3rd John with the group. The Pastor shared with us that he had not ever seen the pier so empty- in twenty years! (There were probably 30 people, including vendors, when there are usually hundreds.) However, this would not stop him from sharing his presentation, for their were still eyes to see and ears to hear what he had to share. We helped him set up his easel and prayed together, then he began to preach. By the time he started there were already 5 other people (besides Kyle, Debbie and I) listening intently to his presentation. He has a very clever way of drawing attention to his easel- filling in boxes to reveal key words in his presentation. He compared “two ships” and how the charts for direction in our lives can be equated with the Bible, taking us safely and assuredly to the harbor: Heaven. One of my favorite part of his presentation included the discussion and explanation of Jesus. Before he filled in the boxes to reveal the word, he said to the crowd, “I am about to write a word up here that is probably one of the most controversial words you have ever heard.” He writes. “Jesus- how do I know that this is so controversial? Well, try this out. Go and ask 20 people on the streets who the Lord Jesus Christ is and see what happens, then you come back and tell me how controversial that name is!” He went on the describe how many of us probably didn’t have a right perception of who Jesus really was. He described the difference between Jesus and Mohammed, Buddha and others. The Pastor continued, “None of these people lived a perfect life. Jesus did. None of the others predicted who would kill him, how and when he would die. Jesus did. And not only that, he claimed that he would rise from the dead in three days- and guess what folks, He did! The Bible, a reliable historical document, reports that Jesus appeared on at least ten different occasions to groups of people- at one time over 500 people! If you have two people testifying to someone’s appearance or existence in court today you have a pretty good case. With 500 witnesses, who can deny His resurrection!” He went on the describe how you can ensure eternal life by trusting in our Savior and repenting for your sins. At the end of his presentation he invited people to come up and take a tract explaining the message again and in full. Three different people came up and took the gift. We know that lives were touched and the message fell upon ears that were listening intently! Praise the Lord! Please pray for the five or six people that were listening to the presentation last night, that they would in full, come to know that Lord and the words that they heard last night would resonate in their minds and hearts.

We again were so blessed with this presentation and the clear, creative way that Pastor Bill communicates. It is obvious that he is there not to condemn, not to scream, yell at or push anything on anyone. He is simply there to lovingly share with those willing to listen. Lets keep him in our prayers- knowing that Keys Evangelistic Ministry is out at Mallory Square every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights at sunset (7pm). Let this encourage us to boldly share and reach out to our community! We have a simple message and simple directions: to share. In Pastor Bill’s newsletter he discusses the mission of the Mallory Square Ministry: “To ensure that everyone- visitors, frequent vacationers, and local Key’s residents have all has the opportunity to hear and receive the message of Jesus Christ.” What sticks out to me is “to ensure!!!!” What are we doing to ensure that those around us have had the opportunity to hear the message? We should be sharing at every opportunity! How incredible would it be to have the same goal for Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “To ensure that everyone- visitors, vacationers, and local Winston-Salem residents have ALL has the opportunity to hear and receive the message of Jesus Christ.” We would truly feel like we were doing all that we could do if we were sharing with every opportunity, on street corners, in Hanes Mall, out in open places. How comforting would it be to give a presentation downtown Winston-Salem and be sure that each one of the listeners had heard the uncomplicated message of Jesus Christ? What if this happened four nights a week! I can’t even imagine.

I believe that God had a purpose for us encountering Pastor Bill and his ministry- not only so that we could be encouraged, but so that we could maybe post this entry to encourage you back home!

We have a simple direction...are you challenged?... let’s do something about it!!!

Keep us in your prayers we are minutes away from going through the tropical storm Ernesto, and Captain David is with the boat.

Taking it to the Streets!

Looks like we’ve come across one of the reasons that God still has us in Key West! In fact, we have already formed a contact with a local church. Last night, we were walking in Mallory Square (a boardwalk type area) watching all kinds of outdoor shows- dogs that do tricks, unicycle riders, fire breathers etc- when all of a sudden we heard someone preaching! Then we saw a street preacher who was convincingly sharing a presentation of the gospel using paper and marker paints to highlight important words. He had drawn a good crowd of people that were listening intently to what he had to say! Kyle and I were so encouraged to see him out in the open among all sorts of circus-like acts and vendors. You must understand that Key West is an area full of people that are not necessarily open to the Gospel and many are deep into sin. Although some have come for a relaxing vacation, many have come to loudly and lavishly dress up, get drunk, walk around Duval street from bar to bar, and attract attention from the opposite and same sex. It is a very dark place... but here we stood in front of a beaming ray of light. We walked over and began to smile and nod our heads in agreement with his presentation. At the end he handed out tracts to anyone that was interested in this message. We approached him and introduced ourselves and told him how encouraged we were to hear the gospel being shared boldly and appropriately among so many people. He told us that this was the 20th year he had been out at Mallory square sharing his presentation. He pastors a church in the Keys and comes out to preach on the street three or four nights a week. Members of the church come with him to mingle with the crowd, answer questions and to support the pastor. We were so impressed with the way that he was able to share... his voice was commanding, but authentic and loving all at the same time. He spoke with conviction and not with a boisterous, heated attitude like some street evangelists we have encountered. He spoke to the crowd letting them know that he wasn’t there to waste his time nor theirs, but that he had a message so important that he had to share. We learned that years ago the street performers first rejected the Pastor, but later came to know him as genuine and loyal to his message. They turned to him with a great sense of respect and admiration. We found out that Pastor Bill even holds funerals for the performers that pass away, and acts in many ways as a father figure and friend to this community of what people might consider “freaks.”

How awesome! Let us be encouraged by this man’s boldness! Not his pushiness with the gospel, but his unashamed love for those around him, proclaimed through his tone of voice and compassionate words. Also, let us be challenged by his location. He shares night after night in the streets- where people are perhaps the most callous, the least open-minded, and quickest to make fun of him, but also the most desperate, lonely and lost. Jesus said in Matthew “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” Our Lord loved and ministered to the lowest of the low, tax collectors and prostitutes, the exact type of people that walk Duval street in Key West, the same types of people that you and I might feel uncomfortable meeting on the streets, who may hang around bars or clubs. We are called to take our light into the dark where the sick and searching hearts will be found!

We wrote down directions to his church with hopes to visit on Sunday, and asked him if there is anything that we can do for him or his church over the next few days. He was very interested in our mission work and immediately let us know that he has something that needs to be taken into the mission field. Apparently someone donated a few boxes full of IV bags to be given to a missionary team for medical work. He said the boxes have been in his office for about five months and need to be taken. We told him that we would gladly take all that we could carry as we are planning to visit a medical missionary family in Guatemala. How great is our God! We are also hoping to join him in his street evangelism the early part of next week- talking to people and doing whatever we can to help out.

We are overwhelmed with the plans that the Lord has for us and reveals to us little by little when we trust in Him.

Stay tuned! Keep praying!